Diabetic Diet

 American Diabetes Association (ADA) Diet 

Not a restrictive diet! -- Just a diet rich in nutrients as well as low in fat and calories. The diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. A diabetic eating plan is actually a healthy diet for anyone to follow.

  • Your body responds to the fat and carbohydrates you eat by raising your blood glucose levels.
  • Weight loss can make it easier to control blood glucose levels, and a diabetic diet facilitates weight loss. 
Recommended foods
    Eat healthy carbohydrates that break down into blood glucose; they are your body's main source of energy:
            1. Sugars (simple carbohydrates)
             2. Starches (complex carbohydrates)
        Try to choose foods that are the healthiest carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and low fat dairy products. Complex carbohydrates will keep you full for longer periods of time and give you more sustained energy with consistent blood glucose levels. 
     Eat fiber-rich foods -- all parts of plant foods that your body can’t digest. Fiber can decrease the risk of heart disease and help control blood sugar levels.
Examples: vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, whole wheat flour, and wheat bran. 

      Eat heart healthy fish at least 2 times a week.
Fish is a good alternative to high fat meats like beef or pork.
Cod, tuna, and halibut have less total fat and cholesterol than other meat and poultry.
Salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, and bluefish are rich in ômega 3 fatty acids that lower triglycerides (part of your cholesterol levels).

       Eat “good” fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats)
Avocados, almonds, pecans, walnuts, olives, canola, olive oils, and peanut oils are all full of fats that actually help to lower your cholesterol. -- but eat them sparingly because all fats are high in calories. 

Foods to Avoid:

       Avoid saturated fats  that are found in foods such as high fat dairy products, beef, hot dogs, sausage, and bacon. You should eat no more than 7% of your daily calories from saturated fat.

      Avoid trans fats that are found in processed snacks, baked goods, shortening, and stick margarines. Avoid these fats completely!!!

      Avoid high cholesterol foods such as high fat dairy products, egg yolks, shellfish, liver, and organ meats. Don’t eat more than 300 mg of cholesterol daily.

     Avoid foods with high sodium content. Don’t eat more than 2300 mg of sodium daily. Stay away from processed meats, cheeses, many canned goods, and using table salt excessively. 

There are several different plans to choose from that will help you implement a diabetic diet:

1. Carb Counting: 
Carbohydrates break down into glucose and have the greatest impact on blood glucose levels. Timing and the amount of carbs you eat every day is very important. Be consistent so your blood glucose levels don’t fluctuate too much. Pay attention to serving sizes and carb contents that are detailed on nutrition labels. See the figure below for more details from the experts. 

2. Exchange System: 

In this diabetic diet plan, foods are grouped into categories. One serving in a group is called an "exchange." An exchange has about the same amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat and calories — and the same effect on your blood glucose — as a serving of every other food in that same group. So, for example, you could exchange — or trade — one small apple for 1/3 cup of cooked pasta, for one carbohydrate serving. See the figure below for further ideas of exchanges:

   3. Glycemic Index System: 

            Foods with high glycemic indexes are associated with a greater increase in blood sugar than those that have a low index. Complex carbs that have high fiber like whole grain foods, have a lower glycemic index than simple carbs like White bread or rice. Choose foods that have low indexes. Be careful around fatty foods though, because they tend to have lower glycemic index values than some healthier options. 

4. The Plate Method

Divide your plate into quarters and follow the guidelines outlined in the figure below. For breakfast, you only use half of the plate; for lunch and dinner use the whole plate. 

  • Stick to whichever method you choose (if you decide to use one of these). Many diabetics do just fine if they are merely conscientious about the amount of sugar and carbohydrates they eat. These plans are just helpful guidelines that will aid you as you follow a diabetic diet. 
  •  It is imperative that you  keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range so that you can avoid long term complications from diabetes like nerve problems, eye problems, and kidney problems. It is important to use diet, exercise, and prescribed medication in conjunction with one another to properly control the disease. Living with diabetes is hard, but with perseverance and will power, it can be done. 
Source: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/diabetes-diet/DA00027

Picture Sources in order of appearance:

  • http://woman.thenest.com/functions-proteins-carbohydrates-lipids-water-vitamins-minerals-1363.html
  • http://recipes.howstuffworks.com/fiber-facts.htm
  • http://www.sodahead.com/living/what-food-do-you-consider-heart-healthy/question-3772482/?link=ibaf&q=heart+healthy+fish
  • http://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/everyone/basics/fat/unsaturatedfat.html
  • http://michellekfischer.wordpress.com/2011/10/10/nutrition-diabetes/carb-counting-handout-2/
  • http://diabetesmanager.pbworks.com/w/page/17680273/Medical%20Nutritional%20Therapy%20for%20the%20Patient%20With%20Diabetes
  • http://www.bubblews.com/news/563277-what-does-glycemic-mean


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